Being Space

When you are in the ocean, or in a forest, you perceive space and peace. What you’ve been making significant becomes less important and so you become aware of yourself as space and peace. When you are in a people busy place you perceive all the energetic gunk (judgement) that everyone perpetually creates and it seems like the space disappears and there’s no room for you to BE.

The difference between these two situations is the choice you make of how much density and intensity you vibrationally attune to in order to fit in. In nature, you drop your barriers, you relax into being the space of you and you shift your frequency to match the energy of nature – which is space and peace.

With people, as opposed to trees, you buy the contraction as real, as well as fitting in with the status quo of everyone else’s points of view, conclusions and judgements so that you can all pretend to be comfortable. Except that no-one is actually comfortable as you’re trying...

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